Thursday 17 January 2013

P.5 Soundscapes with visually impaired.

Yesterday, January 16th, Mrs Bennett's P.5. class took part in a Visual Awareness training exercise. We did this because we are going to take part in a project called Soundscapes, along with some local visually impaired adults. In the training exercise we had to put on some strange glasses to give us an idea what it was like for people who can't see very well. We also had to learn how to guide visually impaired people into our school. Ruairi said "I felt very scared when I had the glasses on, because even though I have been in this class a long time, I could not see where I was going". Adam explaind "I felt anxious when my partner put her arm behind her back, I knew that I would have to squash through a narrow space and I didn't want to hurt myself". Tomorrow we will go to The Ulster Museum in Belfast with our new friends, and each week we will post pictures and information on this blog, so that you can read all about our new programme.

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