Tuesday 3 March 2009

Success at Armagh International Road Race 2009

South African Athletes visit Local Primary School

As part of the 40th anniversary of St. Patrick’s Primary School international athletes taking part in the 19th Armagh Road Race were invited to the school to speak to the pupils. Ten South African athletes along with their coaches Rina and Hynds spoke to “road racers” about the journey they had undertaken travelling from South Africa on Monday ending up in Armagh on Wednesday 18th February. Hynds explained that the ten athletes were aged between 17-23 and that most of them were still studying in college. This was the first time these particular athletics had travelled to Armagh for the road Race, but Hynds stated that other runners from their province had visited Armagh in the past and highly recommended the journey.

St Patrick’s pupils entertained their international visitors during their morning assembly on Wednesday. Firstly a group of Irish Dancers performed two different dances. This followed music from children playing the African Djembe drums and as this was being played a few of the African Athletes spontaneously began to dance, clap and wave their arms. The team sang and danced to a tune, sang by themselves and concluded with a few verses of the South African National anthem. As a token of St Patrick’s appreciation two of the pupils presented Rina, the team coach with an “Armagh flag” and explained the emblems on the Armagh crest.

This year St Patrick’s have a total of 146 competitors entered for Thursday nights Road Race and our visitors wished them all great success.

A great mornings fun. Thanks again to the Armagh Athletic Club for arranging the visit and a special thanks to local running legend Mr Jim Ward for his organisation on the morning.

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